Personal Development At Croft Primary School
Personal development runs through everything we do at Croft and is strongly linked to our school values.
We aim to teach children how to navigate through life safely, happily and healthily. Children are growing up in a world that is constantly changing and it is the duty of all the staff at school in partnership with parents teach the children life skills. We teach children about the world around them, relationships, emotions, reproduction and health. We consistently promote the British values and our school values.
These are the things we want for our pupils.
From September 2023 pupils will be able to work towards an award each year called 'The Mighty Oak Award'. This is based on our school values.
How do we teach personal development?
As well as our PSHE education lessons and 'Myhappymind', we develop these important skills in a variety of ways including:
- Cross curricular lessons, such as English, physical education and religious education.
- Day to day interactiions with staff who model the school values.
- Assemblies
- Themed days
- School trips and holidays
- Specialist staff, such as our Emotional Literacy Support Assistant
- National Online Safety resources
- Celebration assembly
- Before and after school clubs
- MyHappymind
- Transition work throughout the age groups
- School Council
- Eco Council
- Celebration of different languages and cultures
- International School Global links
- Sign Language
- Intergenerational Links