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Useful Information


Sickness / Absence

We do not encourage your child to come to school if they are unwell.  The procedure is for parents/carers to contact the school office and report the sickness.  If this is not reported within the first half hour of the school day, the school office is required to ring home to check the reason for the absence. If your child has sickness or diarrhoea they should not return to school until 48 hours after their last episode. 

School holidays during term time are normally classed as unauthorised and we discourage families from taking holidays during these times.  You must inform the school of your intention of this and complete the relevant form (available in the school foyer or download below). 

School Dinners


The school uses the ParentPay cashless system. Parents and carers are issued with login details for their children enabling them to pay for their child's dinners, snacks, trips, tickets etc online.  If you have any queries or need any assistance, please contact the school office.


Snow and Bad Weather Information

In the event of inclement weather we would always try to open school. If this is not possible we would contact parents via our School App and a note would be placed onto the website.



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